Where Do I Start?
Asking for help is a big and often difficult first step because it can make you feel vulnerable.
But it’s possible to make positive and lasting change, and with the team at Helm behind you, that first step won’t feel so huge.
Start by making one simple change and see how it feels, such as:
- Write down a list of the ways your life would be better if you used less porn (think about things like time to spend on other things, better relationships with partners and children, spending less money, less feelings of guilt and shame, being more in control of your life). Be as specific as possible and keep this list handy to motivate you in your change journey.
- Keep a record of how much you’re using your phone or computer (there are apps to help discourage you from opening particular apps and web pages).
- Next time you feel the urge to use pornography see if you can delay doing so by finding something else to distract yourself.
- Reach out to a trusted and supportive friend and share where you are at.
- Make a first appointment with Helm to talk about your concerns and find out if it is right for you.
- Remind yourself that addiction issues are very common – you are not alone and help is available.