


Taking Control of Your Gambling

For most people, gambling starts with a bit of fun, a chance to socialise or to take time out. But gambling has a way of bolting from your control – and quickly. A few wins, a few losses, the need for extra cash, the urge to chase a loss… before long, things can feel out of hand.

Gambling takes many forms and app-based gambling means the sky’s the limit when it comes to finding something to bet on.

Gambling-related problems arise when it starts to negatively impact your life. It could be losing more money than you can afford, prioritising gambling over other commitments, arguing with your partner , feeling stressed, worried or depressed.
The team at Helm has over 30 years’ experience helping people to assess their gambling, understand their patterns of behaviour and implement tools for change.

Whether this is the first time you’ve thought about getting help for gambling, or you feel like you’ve tried everything, our team has the skills, training and experience to get you where you want to be.

If gambling is causing issues in your life, Helm can help. We offer specialist counselling, as well as a more structured 6-session online program called Power to Change.

Key questions to ask to get on the right path to a better future.

Is gambling a
problem for me?

Where do
I start?

How can family
and friends help?

Want to talk or make
a booking?


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